Mock Star is a band out of Chicago that puts on the ultimate 80's arena rock concert!   Playing all the hits from 80's Arena Rock bands like Poison, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Warrant, Journey and many more.    We live by a simple motto -- anyone can be in Mock Star!   We believe in catering to the fans in the audience and playing the music with the respect it deserves!  You want lights...check,  you want smoke machines...check, you want pyro...check --- if you remember what it was like to be at one of those concerts back in the 80's - that's what you'll get from Mock Star.


Check out our photos page and take a listen to some of the videos taken by our incredible fan base and check out the party that happens at every Mock Star show as we continue to add photos taken by our incredible fans and supporters!


*** Check back often for our upcoming shows so you can make plans to come rock out with the the best 80's Arena Rock Cover band out there right now! ***

What else is synonymous with the 80's Rock genre -- why Leopard Print of course!   

That's right all, the next issue of Rock It Magazine has just hit the shelves and it features none other than the man in the middle, Mr. Jack Kole.   Jack is always at the height of 80's fashion, so be sure to check out the exclusive interview where he discusses leopard print and SCARVES...that's right long, flowing, silky scarves!   Steven Tyler isn't the only rocker using them - Come check out what Jack has to say!!

Also included is an exclusive with drummer extraordinaire, Mr.  Scott Cuttlass!   Scott is so much more than an 80's Rock Icon, he has a softer side and talks about the importance of emotional support animals and how they play a role in his life when he's not melting faces with his high energy drum licks (not that he NEEDS them,  he just loves animals)!!!

Diablo talks about....well....his hair!  For anyone who's been to a  Mock Star show, you will know what this means!  The man is a bundle of energy and throughout every performance, he is rocking out from start to finish and his long flowing mane is flowing right there with him!   Be sure to check it out!

A new endeavor for Mr. Johnny 5.5 (or five and a half to his close friends) -- that's right ladies and gentlemen, a solo project...and not just any solo project, all the hits of the 80's played on his trust ukelele!  You heard me right, ukelele....who knew Johnny was such a deep musician and had such a love for that cute little instrument!!

Last but not least, last issue's feature..Mr. Scotty Van Panther!  Never at a loss for words, SVP is in his glory with the arrival of the 13 year  Cicadas!   Yes they are ugly, yes they annoying - but SVP has a special bond with those little red-eyed buggers!   Check out the exclusive to see the many uses of the elusive creatures!


Scan this code for quick access to the Mock Star Facebook page (band Page) - or click on the links above.    Please note that there are a few versions of Mock Star pages out there that we are working at removing, but please be sure to look for the above logo to ensure you are on the right one!!   Give us a like and follow to be a part of the Mock Star army!